DAY 17

To Conquer Lust

Earlier, we confronted our Pharaoh, naming names and acknowledging that ultimately it is sin that enslaves us. In order to win the war, we had to identify the enemy so that we could build a tactical plan. We have now arrived at the more intense part of the battle, where we go on the offensive against the infamous seven deadly foes.

The first four enemies all fit under sins of the flesh: lust, gluttony, sloth and wrath. In truth, you cannot completely silo any of these; nonetheless, it’s beneficial to attack them one-by-one and understand each of them individually. Recall how when we are stuck in habitual sins of the flesh, we live enslaved to the comforts of this world. The issue is with the man “in himself”. He sways to what is convenient, comfortable and feels good. As we’ve heard so many times, the spirit may be willing, but the flesh is weak. It is so easy to become enslaved by our passions and cravings. Thinking back to the rocky soil in Christ’s parable, if you have ever had to remove rocks from the soil to plant a new garden, you know that can be real intense work. You have to dig and dig and get really dirty in the process. Ironically enough, I actually did it once while pondering this mystery, and now my flower beds are quite lovely!

Back to our problem, “The harmony in which Adam and Eve had found now destroyed: the control of the soul’s spiritual faculties over the body is shattered” (CCC 400). Thanks a lot Adam and Eve! Addressing this weakness and lack of harmony, St. Paul proclaimed, “Live by the Spirit, I say, and do not gratify the desires of the flesh. For what the flesh desires is opposed to the Spirit, and what the Spirit desires is opposed to the flesh; for these are opposed to each other, to prevent you from doing what you want” (Galatians 5:16-17).

In a joint effort, we must continue our life of prayer and communion with God to maintain the flow of grace from above, while also diligently working to counteract the effects of sin. For the specific desires of the flesh, one optimal way to regain control and claim your freedom is by mortifying these passions. Adding to our previous examination of conscience:

Am I actively working to make progress against “the flesh”?

  • Have I taken tangible steps to safeguard my media access (filters, accountability software, public view space, free access to other family members, etc.)?
  • Have I identified the triggers leading me into sin and taken specific actions to avoid them?
  • Have I performed penance or mortification by giving up something I like at least once per week?
  • Have I performed penance or mortification by doing something I dislike at least once per week?
  • Have I performed acts of penance or mortification for my family members?

These are some examples of spiritual practices we must engage in and arm ourselves with if we seek a greater freedom. Let’s dive right in and engage combat with our first enemy: Lust.

This form of bondage currently stands at epidemic stages and typically begins enslaving young men (and women) when they are weak, curious and hormonal. Sometimes the decisions and actions made as an adolescent or teenager can immediately and effectively trigger the bondage. Satan doesn’t care. Never fighting fair, he exploits our weak spots wherever he can. We have to teach and arm our impressionable youth before the devil can get to them.

To tap into the supernatural grace needed and available, we will entrust our purity to the ultimate example, St. Joseph:

 â€śSt. Joseph, help me be pure as you were pure. Help me see the beauty of woman through your eyes. Amen.”

Let us recite this prayer daily whenever we encounter temptation. If this is your bondage, you may need to repeat it over and over trusting that the Lord is at your side, fighting to set you free: Believe it! Freedom is possible! Step by step and day by day, this sin will be eradicated and the victory will be yours.


• Pray with St. Joseph every day.
• Break any affair, inappropriate relationship, or flirting.
• Eradicate pornography and/or masturbation.
• Eradicate Rated R movies or shows.
• Eradicate any websites that lead to temptation or sin.
• Get accountability software if you cannot do it on your own.
• Take  a  cold  shower  once/week.  Offer  it  up  for  the purity of your spouse, daughter(s) and/or son(s).